Painter | Serigrapher | Contemporary Artist


1959 Born in Cardenas, Matanzas (Cuba). Lives and works in the United States.
1975 Graduated from the Provincial School of Plastic Arts. Villa Clara, Cuba.
1980 Graduated from the National School of Plastics Arts (ENA). Havana, Cuba.
1984 Founder of the Experimental Serigraphy Workshop “Rene Portocarrero”. Havana, Cuba.
1998-2001 Professor of Serigraphy in the Higher Institute of Art (ISA), Cuba.
2007 Distinction for National Culture. Havana, Cuba.

Solo Exhibitions

2018 Sensual Delights. Adelmo Art Gallery. Miami, US.
2017 Secret. Villa Manuela Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2015 Good Shadow. 12th Havana Biennial, Cuba.
2012 Sands of Desire. 11th Havana Biennial. Havana, Cuba. 2011 Naked Forever. Pedro Esquerré Gallery. Matanzas, Cuba.
2009 Take It Easy. Cultural Center, 10th Havana Biennial, Cuba.
·  Four Cats. La Acacia Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2008 Busy Beds. Origenes Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2007 Chocolate Flavor. Inglaterra Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
2006 Amulets. Palace of the Count of Lombillo Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2005 Black and White Drapery. Villa Manuela Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
 ·  Drawings and Paintings. Gallery of the NH Central Park Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
·  Serenade to Sensuality. Oscar Maria de Rojas Museum. Cárdenas, Matanzas, Cuba.
·  Drawings and Paintings. Santa Clara Art Gallery. Santa Clara, Cuba.
2004 Reflexes II. Bezalel Gallery. Raquel Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
·  Cuban Erotic Art. The Avenue 50 Studio Gallery. Los Angeles, US. Proverbs and Initiations. Havana Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2003 Double Forms. Espacio 304 Gallery. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Reflexes. Museum of Colonial Art. Havana, Cuba.
2002 Robes. René Portocarrero Gallery. National Theater. Havana, Cuba.
·  Graphics. Gallery of the NH Central Park Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
·  Silhouettes. Pequeño Espacio Gallery. National Council of Plastic Arts. Havana, Cuba.
2001 Drawings and Paintings. La Acacia Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Memory. Contact. Remembrance. Lausin & Blasco Gallery. Zaragoza, Spain.
1994 Inner Way. Old Square Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
1992 Drawings and Paintings. Tate–Tate Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
1991 Crypt. Havana Gallery. Havana, Cuba.

Group Exhibitions

2019 Sex, Design, Metonymy. Kendall Art Center. Miami, USA.
2018 Dialogues and Alliances. Collage Habana Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2017 To Cuba. Alex Gallery. Washington D.C, US.
·  Without Masks. National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
2016 A New Dawn. Gode and Code Fine Arts, NY, US.
2015 AB&C. Masters of Generation. 12 Havana Biennial. Havana, Cuba.
2013 Seven-7. Royal York Gallery. Toronto, Canada.
2012 AB&C Masters of Generation. 11th Havana Biennial. National Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
·  Perspectives. Benito Juárez House-Museum. Havana, Cuba. 2011 Art Moscow. International Art Fair. Moscow, Russia.
·  In20tArte. National Center of Stomatology. Havana, Cuba.
·  Oltre il Mediterraneo. Several Cultural Spaces. Bari, Italy.
·  1 Minute of Silence. Guayasamín House-Museum. Havana, Cuba.
2010 Face down. La Acacia Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
·  Cuban Plastic Artists. PEREZ-VAL Gallery. San José, Costa Rica.
·  In the Sighting Pole. Siranga Art Gallery. Valencia, Spain.
·  Diversity. Cuba Pavilion, CNAP. Havana, Cuba.
·  New Acquisitions. CNAP, Covarrubias Room. National Theater, Havana, Cuba.
·  Confluencias Inside. La Acacia Art Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  No Masks: Contemporary Afro-Cuban. Johannesburg Art Gallery, South Africa.
·  Between Islands. Los Oficios Art Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Confluencias Inside. National Hispanic Cultural Center, New Mexico, US.
·  Charity Evening in the fight against cancer. Canadian Embassy, Havana, Cuba.
·  Cuban Contemporary Art. Habana Art Gallery, Bremen, Germany.
2009 Erotic Art. Enmarcarte. San Jose, Costa Rica.
·  Cuban Contemporary Art. Modern Art Gallery. Amsterdam, Holland.
·  Colors of Cuba. Art Affair Gallery. Regensburg, Germany.
·  Cuban Contemporary Art. Wifredo Lam Room, Cuban Embassy. Bonn, Germany.
·  Exhibitions. Gora Art Gallery, Internet Virtual Gallery at
·  Cuban Art. A trace in the island time. Ehrenhalle des Rathauses, Nuremberg, Germany.
·  Nostàlgia de futur. Homenatge a Rena. Centre del Carmen, Valencia, Spain.
·  Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Kuba. Nürnberg-Bonn, Germany.
The Expanded Island. Andalucía, Spain.
·  Crisis. Pabexpo, 10th Havana Biennial. Havana, Cuba.
·  Pure Coincidence. Pabexpo, 10th Havana Biennial. Havana, Cuba.
2008 Valoarte. National Gallery, Children’s Museum. San Jose, Costa Rica.
·  The Rupture Generation. Tataya Art Gallery. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
·. 47 Artists and Writers at the 7th Congress, Conference Center. Havana, Cuba. Permament Exhibition. Tope de Collantes Museum. Sancti Spiritus, Cuba.
·  “The Rape through the Eyes” Project. Spanish-American Cultural Center. Havana. Cuba.
·  Confluences Inside. Art Museum of Zapopa. Jalisco. Mexico.
2007 Confluences Inside. José Luis Cueva Museum. Mexico City, DF, Mexico.
·  Confluences Inside. Modern Art Museum of Toluca, Mexico.
·  Confluences Inside. Jesús Gallardo Gallery. Culture Institute. Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.
·  Confluences Inside. Juárez Institute. Universidad Autónoma de Tabasco, Mexico.
·  The Light of your Absence. Homage to Celia. San Francisco de Asis Convent. Havana, Cuba.
·  Painters of the Millennium. Alovera Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
2006 New Territories. Arco 2006. Los Oficios Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
·  New Territories. San Lucas Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
·  Trip to the Seed. Council of Plastic Arts. Santa Clara, Cuba.
·  Confluences Inside. Clavijero Palace. Morelia, Mexico.
2005 Annual Summary. Villa Manuela Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2004 Deus Verus. Verus Homo. San Carlos Seminary. Havana, Cuba.
·  Date with Angels. Jose Marti Memorial. Havana, Cuba.
·  Give and Take. Villena Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Trip to the Seed. Council of Plastic Arts. Santa Clara, Cuba.
·  Cuban Art. Siena, Italy.
·  Cuban Art. Huelva, Spain.
·  Sonlar. National Theater. Havana, Cuba.
2003 On the edge. Erotic Art. O’Farrill Hostel. Havana, Cuba.
·  Plastic Visions on Stained Glass Art. National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
·  Sex-Timiento. Sexology 2003. International Conference Center. Havana, Cuba.
·  Contemporary Cuban Art. Art Center of Getafe. Madrid, Spain.
·  Current Cuban Painting. Guayasamin Foundation. Quito, Ecuador.
·  Culture and Development. International Conference Center. Havana, Cuba.
·  Trip to the Seed. Council of Plastic Arts. Santa Clara, Cuba.
·  Expo with Isabel. Isabel Santos Studio-Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  31 Cuban Artists. Borde Rio Gallery. Santiago de Chile, Chile.
2002 Conciliation in the forties. National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
·  Trip to the Seed. Council of Plastic Arts. Santa Clara, Cuba.
·  Contemporary Plastic Artists. Gallery Valanti. San Jose, Costa Rica.
·  Cuban Influences. Commonwealth Club. London, UK.
·  Homage. Gallery of the NH Central Park Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
2001 Made in Cuba. Cuba 513 Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
2000 First Erotic Art Salon. La Acacia Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
1999 The Multiple Trace. CENCREM. Havana, Cuba.
·  Three from Cuba. Gummersbach, Germany.
1997 Six Cuban Artists. Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Japan.
·  Engravings and Serigraphs. Palma School of Arts. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
1996 Cuban Art. Centre Culturell PTT La Source. Orleans. France.
·  Seeing is Believing: Six Cuban Painters in Italy. Rome, Italy.
·  Contemporary Cuban Art. National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
1995 Cuban Art. Saint Dennis Hotel. Paris, France.
1994 Cuban Graphics. Carlos Olachea Gallery. La Paz, Baja California, USA.
·  Serigraphs Exhibit. Pilar i Joan Miro Foundation. Mallorca, Spain.
·  Graphics International Biennial. Maastrich, Holland.
1992 Serigraphs and Drawings. Kirov, Russia.
·  Men at Work. Habana Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Color of Cuba. Art Room. Sevilla Expo. Sevilla, Spain.
·  Homage to Tino Casal. Havana, Cuba.
America’92. Gaudì Art Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
1991 Madrid – Havana Portfolio. Serigraphy Workshop. Havana, Cuba.
·  Cuban Contemporary Engraving. Museum of Colonial Art. Havana, Cuba.
·  Made in Cuba. Gallery Tate –Tate. Madrid, Spain.
·  Workshop Heroes. René Portocarrero Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Fingerprint. Havana Art Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
1990 An Island Named Cuba. Rome, Italy.
·  UNEAC’s Plastic Arts Salon. National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
·  Spanish-Cuban Fan. Alamar Art Center. Havana, Cuba.
1989 Cuba in Joyful Colors. Sudan Art Center. Bagdad, Irak.
·  Contemporary Cuban Art. Westoeh Gallery. New York, US.
·  Homage to Jose Marti. Vigo Cultural Center, Spain.
·  Cuban Art. Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Japan.
·  Today’s Cuban Painting. Dunis de Samos Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
1988 Current Cuban Painting. Ponzano 16 Exposition Center. Zaragoza, Spain.
·  Cuban Papers and Canvases. Wifredo Lam Center. Havana, Cuba.
·  Current Cuban Painting. Barcelona City Hall. Barcelona, Spain.
1987 More than Twenty Aprils. Havana Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  1st Salon of Young Cuban Plastic Artists. Museum of Santa Clara, Cuba.
·  Cuban Painting. People Cultural Center. Madrid, Spain. Fresh Air. Old square Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Cuban Painting. Chopo Museum. Mexico City, Mexico.
·  Cuban Serigraphs. Contemporary Art Museum. Tehran, Iran.
·  Paintings and Drawings. Galeano Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Cuba in Paris. Paris, France.
·  Cuban Serigraphs. Toronto, Canada.
·  Engraving Exhibit. National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
1986 First Iberoamerican Biennial of Seriated Art. Interart. Varsovia, Poland.
·  Young Painters. Havana Art Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
1981 Five Youths. Las Palmas City Hall. Palmas de Canarias, Spain.
·  Young Painters. Alamar Art Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
1980 Eighth Plastic Arts Salon. Matanzas, Cuba.

International Events & Workshops

1999 Master classes, theoretical and practical course. ISA, Havana, Cuba.
1997 Master classes, theoretical and practical course. Joan Miro Foundation, Mallorca, Spain.
1996 Master classes, theoretical and practical course. Joan Miro Foundation, Mallorca, Spain.
1995 Master classes, theoretical and practical course. Joan Miro Foundation, Mallorca, Spain.
1994 5th International Encounter of Serigraphy. Rene Portocarrero Workshop, Havana, Cuba.
1993 Creation of serigraphy workshops. Havana, Cuba.
1990 Sericuba ́90. Rene Portocarrero Workshop (RPW), Havana, Cuba.
1987 3rd International Encounter of Serigraphy. RPW, Havana, Cuba.
1985 2nd International Encounter of Serigraphy. RPW, Havana, Cuba.
1984 1st International Encounter of Serigraphy. RPW, Havana, Cuba.


2007 Distinction for National Culture. Havana, Cuba.
2000 Mention on the First Erotic Art Salon. Havana, Cuba.
1994 Mention Abanico Hispano Cubano 1994. Havana, Cuba.
1989 Special Mention at the City Salon. Havana, Cuba.
1988 Collective Prize Jaume Guasch Foundation. Barcelona, Spain.
1987 Prize at the Engraving Salon. Havana, Cuba.
1981 Mention on the 8th Young Plastic Arts Salon. Matanzas, Cuba.


·  Kendall Art Center, Miami, Florida, US.
·  Luly Duke Fundacion Amistad. New York. US.
·  Avenue 50 Studio Art Gallery. L.A., US.
·  Pamela Bryan. New Orleans. US.
·  Octavia Art Gallery. New Orleans, US.
·  National Museum of Fine Arts. Havana, Cuba.
·  National Council for the Plastic Arts. Havana, Cuba.
·  Fondo de Bienes Culturales. Havana, Cuba.
·  La Acacia Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
·  Saratoga Hotel. Havana, Cuba.
·  Joan Miro Foundation. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
·  Lausin Blasco Gallery. Zaragoza, Spain.
·  CdeCuba Art Collection. Valencia, Spain.
·  The Chapel of Man. Quito, Ecuador.
·  Guayasamin Foundation. Quito, Ecuador.
·  National Museum of Modern Art. San Jose, Costa Rica.
·  Museum of Modern Art. Lima, Peru. Carlos Frigola. Lima, Peru.
·  Museum of Modern Art. Johannesburg, South Africa.
·  Geoffrey Shears. Commonwealth. London, UK.
·  Club Commonwealth. London, UK.
·  Chris von ChIierterssen. London, UK.
·  Dominique Soave. Cuba Plus International. Toronto, Canada.
·  Royal York Hotel. Toronto, Canada.
·  Guy Chartier. Toronto, Canada.
Carlos García. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
·  Alejandro Alfonso. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Published Texts
Catalogs | Magazines | Books

  • 2021. Sucesivas (trans)formaciones de la carne. Diversidad corporal y psicoanálisis en la obra de Rubén Rodríguez. © RUBENS RIOL.
  • 2019. Change and Lust. © ALDO MENÉNDEZ.
  • 2019. El diseño como expresión artística. © DENNYS MATOS.
  • 2018. Los eroglíficos de Rubén Rodríguez. @ NOEL ALEJANDRO NÁPOLES GONZÁLEZ.
  • 2016. Adventures of the Body. © ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ SEOANE.
  • 2016. Lines of Desire. © ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ SEOANE.
  • 2016. Ruben Rodriguez in Arche Gallery. © ANTONIO PÉREZ SANTOS.
  • 2010. Cuban Artists Speak to World. Cultural Differences Prove no Barriers. © W. PULKKA.
  • 2009. The Expanded Island. © ALDO MENÉNDEZ.
  • 2008. Allegory for Busy Beds. © MARIA MILIAN.
  • 2008. Cuando un grito de auxilio es solicitud de placer. © RUBENS RIOL.
  • 2006. Amend for the Servant. © RUFO CABALLERO.
  • 2005. Black, Red, and White Drapery. © ARGEL CALCINES.
  • 2004. Under Pressure. © ORLANDO HERNÁNDEZ.
  • 2004. Possessive Look to the Work of Ruben Rodriguez. © ARGEL CALCINES.
  • 2003. Ruben Rodriguez and His Encounters with God Eros. © RAFAEL ACOSTA DE ARRIBA.
  • 2002. Eros and Contention. © VIRGINIA ALBERDI.
  • 2002. The Huge Eroticism of a Minimal Line. © ANDRÉS D. ABREU.
  • 2001. The Odd Harmony of Uncommon. © YOLANDA WOOD.
  • 2001. Espacios rebosantes de oscuridad. ©CHUS TUDELILLAS.
  • 1991. Cripta. © TONI PIÑERA
  • 1991. Cripta de Rubén Rodríguez © ORLANDO HERNÁNDEZ.